How to remove the engine of a VAZ 2109 with your own hands: without removing and with removing the gearbox, recommendations from experienced people (Video) | LuxVAZ

Correct removal of the VAZ 2109 engine is necessary for scheduled and routine repairs. In most cases, temporary dismantling occurs along with the gearbox. The procedure is carried out in a specialized garage with a lift. Moreover, if a person knows how to remove a VAZ engine, everything can be done with his own hands in a few hours.

It is advisable that this procedure be carried out by a car owner with some experience. Even minor errors will lead to possible damage to individual elements of the VAZ 2109 vehicle system.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the structure of the “heart” of the iron horse. This will help avoid many problems associated with incorrect connection of individual system elements, such as:

  • right front support;
  • generator;
  • engine;
  • gearbox - it is necessary to remove the gearbox only if the engine is overhauled or replaced;
  • starter;
  • system for turning on the lights for reversing marks VAZ 2109;
  • stretching;
  • left front support;
  • a plug that secures the hole for draining oil from the engine;
  • front wheel drives on the right side;
  • rear support-fix;
  • hole for draining oil from the gearbox;
  • left-hand front wheel drive;
  • gearbox shift drive rod.

Beginners are advised to take photographs of the listed parts in assembled form. In order to successfully dismantle the VAZ engine, it is necessary to use the tools recommended by the manufacturer. A list of these can be found in the vehicle operating instructions. Regardless of the reason that prompted the need to carry out removal and diagnostics, you must adhere to the following scheme:

A carefully removed car ignition module will help you remove the engine correctly. Due to the fragile nature of the device, do not use excessive physical force. After this, the plug located on the block is dismantled. Only after all the liquid has been drained is the next element removed.

All plugs from the drive are disconnected in random order. The same thing happens with the throttle and hose cables. Before starting this stage, it is better to use a camera to record the initial position. The photo will be useful when the installation of the VAZ engine begins.

Literally, pinpoint precision is required when it comes to removing the hose leading to the gas line. To do this, you need a key set to “17”, which will not break the rather fragile system. Here, as in the case described above, it is necessary to carry out recording using a photo.

When returning the VAZ engine to its rightful place, the photograph will help to correctly connect all the elements. There is no room for error here. Only after you have completed removing all the tubes on the “head” can you move on to those parts that are directly attached to it.


There are several most common reasons why a car owner has to remove the engine from his car.



In the event of a serious accident or as a result of wear of key engine elements, it will not be possible to restore its functionality without a removal procedure. Therefore, they resort to dismantling the engine

It’s not uncommon for VAZ 2109 owners to think about replacing the standard factory engine with a more efficient, powerful power unit. This is a serious step, where dismantling is one of the initial stages

If there is no opportunity or desire to change the engine, some simply modify the existing one. Tuning can be quite complex, involving the need to completely remove the engine from the engine compartment

Regardless of the reasons, you need to remove the engine carefully, following a clear sequence of your actions. Decide in advance whether you will dismantle the engine together with the gearbox or without removing it.

Actions requiring increased caution

Remove the muffler and camshaft pulley last. Further actions are taken taking into account the actual situation. If the star bolts are covered with a layer of dirt and oil, then there is no need to unscrew them. Remove everything together with the camshaft. It is better to unscrew them if the motor has been used recently.

The front crankshaft pulley will help you remove the engine correctly. To do this, it is recommended to use a folding key. It is installed through the top, not through the bottom. Before using it, it is recommended to switch to speed 4-5. After this, the VAZ engine is more easily subject to normalized physical impact. If the above recommendations do not help ease the movement of the key, you must use the services of an assistant.

One of the assistants gets into the car and presses the brake pedal. In this case, it is easier to remove the front crankshaft pulley. After this, the pipe and the generator bolts located on top are dismantled.

If the transmission bolts show signs of physical wear or significant contamination, it is better to replace them.

In this case, removing the engine will reduce the likelihood of failure in the future. After all, no one knows when the next time a car owner will look under the hood.

When removing the wires from the generator, it is necessary to gradually loosen the fastening of the device itself. The more accurately your hand moves, the less likely it is to get damaged. After this, the “crab” is removed with no less care. It is secured with two bolts, which we remove using a wrench. Before unscrewing the last bolt, the device is slowly moved to the side.

How to remove the head from a VAZ 2109. Video

Photo. Crankshaft front pulley

Unscrew the front crankshaft pulley, it is convenient to unscrew it with a spanner, or in other words, with a head, and so that it does not spin, turn on the fifth or fourth speed and ask the assistant to press the brakes, the crankshaft will lock and simply unscrew the pulley bolt.

Preparing for the reverse process

The process is completed by fixing the VAZ engine using a timing belt. It would be a good idea to use 1-2 bricks to help prevent the engine from falling. After making sure that the massive unit is fixed in space, the cushion is loosened and the engine is directly removed. Having secured the belt with your hand, you need to slowly remove the pipe.

If by this time the engine has not come off on its own, it is recommended to use a pry bar. After this, the unit is transferred to a temporary storage location for subsequent work with it. You need to remember - install everything in exactly the reverse order. If some elements have reached the end of their service life, it is better to replace them in advance.

The process of removing the “heart” of a car is complex and multi-stage. Accuracy and precision of actions is the key to successful repairs on your own. After removal, it is recommended to carry out a mandatory inspection of all engine components.

Oil change features

Filter and plug position

Changing the oil in a VAZ 2109 engine is not the most common process, but you can handle this task as needed. If you buy a used car from another person, you need to change the lubricant in the engine as quickly as possible. Repairing the steering rack on a VAZ 2109 with your own hands (video) The steering rack in front-wheel drive cars is fully responsible for the functionality of the entire steering mechanism. With all this, it is recommended to flush the engine with a special liquid, because it is not clear to you exactly what was filled in earlier.

"Nine for Nine" - Part 2 | Engine replacement | How to remove a VAZ-2109 engine Part 1 | I bought a VAZ-2109 for 9,000 rubles. Hi all! This is the 2nd part of the video “Nine. Part 1. Repair of VAZ 2114 Engine repair after 180,000 km.

It is also recommended to change the oil if you have not used the VAZ 2109 for a long time. Similar posts. Replacing the rear light of a VAZ 2115 with your own hands - step-by-step instructions. When the engine is not started for a long time, condensation accumulates in it and mixes with the lubricant, causing a deterioration in its performance and ultimately increasing wear on all internal parts of the unit.

To extend the service life of the oil poured into the engine, stop driving quickly or accelerating too fast. Tuning VAZ 2109 with your own hands. Refinement of interior, engine. We strongly recommend that you fill in a certain type of oil for each season - winter or summer. Replacing the engine mount on a VAZ 2109 with your own hands. Always refuel only with high-quality fuel at reputable gas stations. Dirty fuel does not burn completely, causing contamination of the lubricant.

If you are interested in changing the transmission oil in the gearbox of this Russian car, read a separate article on the website.

Reinstalling the head

Now you can carefully install the cylinder head in its place, making sure that at this moment the gasket does not slip out or move to the side. Of course, the guides fix it, but you should still be extremely careful.

Next, we will need a torque wrench, since the bolts will have to be tightened with a certain torque. It is also worth keeping in mind that the tightening order must be observed. The diagram below shows the sequence in which to twist:

Now regarding the force with which it is necessary to tighten the bolts. This should be done in 4 steps:

  1. First, a torque of 20 Nm
  2. Second reception with a torque of 75-85 Nm
  3. Tighten each bolt another 90 degrees.
  4. Finally turn it 90 degrees.

What kind of engine can be installed on a VAZ 21099

What engine can be used in VAZ 2109 and 21099? When do you want

Some drivers are wondering what type of engine can be installed on the VAZ 2109 and 21099. This usually happens when motorists are looking for ways to customize their car. The fact is that the engines installed on these models were developed in the 70s of the last century, and now they are somewhat outdated. Due to this, they are practically ineffective compared to more modern cars. For many connoisseurs of these models, the most effective way is to install an engine from a foreign car, since engines can be installed on this car with minimal modifications.

What engine can be used in VAZ 2109 and 21099?

Before answering this question, it is necessary to understand the legal and some technical features of this work. Recently, the engine is considered a normal part, so no special documents are required to replace it. But when buying a replacement car, it is better to ask for documents from the former owner, otherwise there is a risk that the device will be removed from the stolen car. In this case, you may encounter a number of problems. Although there are not many engine test tests, you cannot pay attention to this factor at your peril. Conclusion: no documents are required to replace the engine.

A more difficult issue is the need to select the right engine for the 2109. First of all, look at the size of the engine. The engine compartment is not too large, so this is one of the main conditions for choosing a unit. Also pay attention to the possibility of installing a motor. It is recommended to select cross-section parameters, this minimizes the work of installing the part.

The biggest disadvantage of replacing the engine with a more advanced one is the need for electrical adjustments. In particular, the problem arises with the use of more advanced engines from foreign cars, primarily due to the presence of a large number of sensors and a more precise engine control system. Therefore, you may need the help of someone who knows electrical engineering.

When installing a more powerful engine, it is necessary to modify the brake system. This will avoid problems when inspecting the car. In addition, vehicle safety will increase significantly. Don't forget the radiator, it must match the power of the new device, otherwise you will end up with a regularly overheated engine, which will significantly reduce its service life.

How to install a 16 valve engine on a VAZ 21099

VAZ 2108 Honda V6 VTEC heart

The carburetor was an injector.

In fact, the number of engines suitable for the “nine” is quite large, which allows you to make a choice in a minimum amount of time. Let's look at the most popular options for our motorists:


. Domestic cars can never boast of high reliability, as well as excellent technical characteristics. Therefore, many drivers are interested in what engine can be installed on the VAZ 2109 and 21099. Install the transmission from a foreign car or a more modern domestic car. The most efficient way to configure. When choosing a model, pay attention to the dimensions and possibility of installing the engine mount.


Removal from gearbox

Follow the instructions clearly, be sure to watch the video tutorials. Plus, don't forget to check the condition of all engine mounts, since you'll probably be reassembling it again. All damaged elements will have to be replaced without fail.

  1. First, disconnect the battery to completely cut off the power to the car.
  2. Drain the oil from the engine crankcase. Here it is better for the engine to be warm. This will allow the oil to drain out faster.
  3. Drain the coolant from the cooling system. A cold motor is already required here. Be careful.
  4. To disconnect the exhaust systems, you will have to completely remove the engine crankcase protection and dismantle the exhaust pipe.
  5. Remove the air filter housing, and then disconnect all hoses from the engine, power wiring, sensors, damper rods, and brake system vacuum hoses.
  6. Unscrew the fastening nut of the ground wire, put on the stud and located on the clutch housing.
  7. Disconnect the cooling system pipes and turn off the thermostat.
  8. Disconnect the central high voltage from the ignition distributor. After this, you can release the clamp of the block with the supply wiring and remove the entire block.
  9. Disconnect the fuel supply hoses from the fuel pump. To do this, just loosen the fastening clamp.
  10. Unscrew the adjusting nuts to remove the drive cable from the clutch lever.
  11. Disconnect the power supply wires from the starter - one wire from the battery going to the solenoid relay and the wiring block.
  12. Switch off the generator in the same way.
  13. Deprive power by disconnecting the corresponding wires from the coolant temperature sensor and oil pressure sensor.
  14. Disconnect a pair of pipes from the radiator for the car interior. Loosen the clamps, which will allow you to remove the elements.
  15. We go directly under the car. Here it is better to have a pit or overpass available, otherwise it is inconvenient and unsafe to remove the engine while lying down.
  16. Unscrew the fastening nuts of the drive rod from the tip of the gearbox shift joint. The speedometer drive rod and the reverse sensor are also disconnected here. You need to disconnect the power wires.
  17. Disconnect both guy wires, right and left. Before this, you need to loosen the clamp of the tensioner fastening nut to the suspension arm on both sides. Next, unscrew the three bolts of the bracket to the car body. It is not necessary to remove them completely, but just move them to the side. This way they will not interfere with further processes.
  18. The next step is to disconnect the tie rods. To achieve the desired result, remove the cotter pin and unscrew the nut. Next, armed with a special puller, press the pin out of the swing arm.
  19. We perform the same actions with the ball joint, which will need to be similarly disconnected from the lever.
  20. Using a pry bar, pull out the upper tail of the front wheel drive and move it slightly to the side. Don't forget to insert a technological plug in place of this tail. A plug from an old grenade will suit you just fine, if you have one available.
  21. Now comes the stage of directly dismantling the power unit itself.
  22. Securely secure the motor by tying it by the eyelets using a strong rope or metal wire. Rym translated from Dutch “ring” means ring. That is, instead of a head, the eye bolt and eye nut end in a ring. And the eye bolt and eye nut are intended for gripping and moving machines, parts, as well as during installation, disassembly, loading, etc.

What to put?

Indeed, the most important issue among VAZ 2109 owners is the range of engines that may be under the hood of their car.

Let's look at several popular solutions that are most often found among those who decide to change the engine on their VAZ 2109.



Gas is a cheaper alternative to gasoline, which will allow you to save big in the future at gas stations. This replacement is called the easiest. But you should take into account the fact that such a replacement will pay off only if the car is used frequently, and you will have a gas cylinder in the trunk. Such work can only be done by specialists with appropriate qualifications and permits.

VAZ injector 1.5 liters

A good alternative that will allow you to extract more power from your improved car. The injector is more powerful, it requires less fuel, and provides better dynamics. But in practice, changing engines from VAZ to VAZ is not the best solution, since there are many options among more reliable, powerful imported cars

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