Features of choosing a new battery for Lada Kalina

Characteristics of the standard Kalina battery

Since there are many companies in our country specializing in the production of car batteries, it would be strange if AvtoVAZ employees opted for a battery of a foreign brand. So from the very beginning, Akom brand batteries were installed on the Lada Kalina.

They cannot be called outstanding. Although they are adapted to the harsh Russian conditions, the average service life of these products is short by modern standards, about 3–4 years. This is due both to the imperfection of the technological process and to unsuitable operating conditions - domestic motorists are not always careful and disciplined.

As for the main characteristics, the polarity of standard batteries is straight, typical for cars aimed at the Asian market. This factor must be taken into account when purchasing a new power source.

The nominal capacity of Akom batteries for Kalina is 55 A*hour at 425 A starting current. Note that these are minimum characteristics, below which it is simply not advisable to buy a battery - it will not cope with its responsibilities.

The size of the battery for the Lada Kalina is 24.2x19.0x17.5 cm, but here you need to take into account that these are the maximum allowable dimensions - larger batteries simply will not fit on the landing platform. Such a battery costs from 3,000 rubles - a small amount, but most owners prefer to install more expensive products that have a longer service life.

Under what conditions should the battery be changed?

Average battery life is a relative concept and depends on many factors. Therefore, you should not rely on this indicator: there are very specific and obvious criteria by which one can judge that the battery needs to be changed. Otherwise, in the near future you will have to face difficulties when starting the engine cold.

So, let’s list the main signs that eloquently speak of the imminent “death” of the battery:

  • the engine starts is problematic not only in winter, but also in the warm season;
  • a light on the instrument panel is often or constantly lit, indicating that the battery is undercharged;
  • after a trip over a distance of more than 15 km, the battery charge level is less than nominal - if the generator is working, this indicates the impossibility of fully charging the battery;
  • if after charging using a charger the electrolyte density does not exceed 1.25 g/cm3. If adjustment by adding electrolyte does not help, the battery should be replaced;
  • the liquid has acquired a dark tint, this indicates shedding of the plates - a phenomenon that requires urgent replacement of the battery.

If you turn on the radio for about 60–80 minutes while the engine is not running, and after that the engine does not start or starts with great difficulty, this means that the battery no longer holds a charge, and it’s time to invest in a new battery.

There are a few more key points

And they are connected with this:

  • You need to buy batteries from a well-known, trusted brand and in well-established stores, such as https://rimir.by. Questionable manufacturing companies can cause a lot of problems for you and your car. ;
  • Don’t “rush” to cheap products. A battery is not something you should skimp on. Otherwise, you may end up in a lot of unpleasant situations. For example, when the battery is often and “unreasonably” discharged;
  • It’s very good if the battery is immune to weather conditions, that is, frost-resistant. When purchasing, check this detail with the seller. Or take a look at the accompanying documents yourself - here the manufacturer always indicates the maximum temperature at which the device can operate. This point is relevant both for the Kalina station wagon and for other types of this AvtoVAZ “offspring”. No one has yet canceled the harsh Russian winters;
  • When communicating with the store manager, ask a few more questions. In particular, regarding the ability of the battery to crank the engine well, ensure the uninterrupted operation of all systems that depend on it (music and entertainment features, lighting, other car gadgets), and create conditions for the effective operation of the on-board computer;
  • If you have the opportunity to purchase an imported battery for your Kalinushka, feel free to sell it. Despite the worthy reputation of many domestic manufacturers, foreign brands are still at the top of ensuring the quality and reliability of their products.

How to choose a new battery for Lada Kalina

When choosing a battery to replace an old one, it is recommended to follow the recommendations of the car manufacturer, but they are not always optimal. Let's look at the most important criteria that should be followed when visiting a car dealership.


Of course, the popularity of a brand can be considered an important measure of quality for any product. In our case, this is all the more justified: although there are several domestic brands whose products can be called competitive, in general, Russian batteries are still noticeably inferior to foreign ones (except for Chinese batteries).

And yet the brand is far from the main selection criterion. The main thing is that the characteristics match.

Date of manufacture

The shelf life of batteries, unlike food products, is not indicated, but the length of time a battery is stored in a warehouse is an important indicator, especially for conventional lead-acid batteries. It is best to buy products that were manufactured less than 4–5 months ago, and it is better not to look at batteries that are more than a year old. And the basic rule - be sure to check the purchase with a load plug, so as not to become the owner of a half-dead battery.


This is one of the main criteria on the basis of which you should decide which battery to choose for your Lada Kalina. In our case, the lower marker is the capacity of the standard battery, or 55 A*hour. The upper limit is 65 A*hour; a standard generator will not support more powerful batteries, and the dimensions may not be suitable.

Starting current

This parameter is just as critical as capacity, since it determines how easy the engine will be to start in cold weather. In severe frosts, the battery can be discharged by 30–40% overnight, so a product with insufficient starting current will not be able to cope with the morning start of the power unit. Here the selection criteria are similar to the previous point: you need to install a battery whose PC rating is no less than that of a standard battery (425 A). The upper limit is limited only by the dimensions of the power source. Well, and the cost, of course.


On most foreign cars presented on the domestic market, the polarity of standard batteries is reversed, corresponding to the European format. In Kalina it is straight, so it is important not to confuse this indicator when choosing. You are unlikely to be able to install a battery on your car if the terminals are located in the wrong sequence - most likely, you simply do not have enough cable length. However, some craftsmen manage to remake the seat to get around this obstacle.

Load fork test

When purchasing an expensive battery, such a procedure is not only advisable, but mandatory. As a rule, sellers do not refuse this opportunity, and many themselves check the charge using a load plug. Its essence is to measure the voltage at the battery terminals after applying voltage to the load for 10 seconds. If the difference turns out to be more than 9 volts, it is better not to take such a battery.


This parameter should not be underestimated. Although largely marketing in nature, to a certain extent the length of the warranty is correlated with the life of the battery. For example, most domestic products and many foreign ones come with a standard 24 month warranty. This is neither more nor less. Batteries are available with a 4-year warranty. They are expensive, but you can rest assured that they will last, on average, twice the warranty period. But the 12-month warranty is a reason to think about whether it is worth purchasing such a product.

Battery Type

This is the most controversial criterion. Classic antimony batteries are still popular, although they are noticeably inferior to calcium batteries in most respects. The latter have a significant drawback - fear of deep discharge. Hybrid batteries combine the advantages of calcium and antimony power sources, but they also share some disadvantages. In short, these are the most versatile batteries.

Batteries made using AGM technology, as well as gel varieties, are still expensive and have disadvantages that do not justify their purchase.

Let's sum it up

Remember that the battery can also discharge not due to any breakdowns in the on-board network, but due to the owner’s simple inattention. For example, the owner forgot to turn off the headlights during the day or left the radio running in silent mode for a long period. There are a lot of such situations.

Now you know which battery to choose. However, please follow our recommendations regarding the correct choice of battery. Remember that only a high-quality product will ensure trouble-free operation and last the service life declared by the manufacturer.

To start the engine, it must rotate intensively. It is carried out using a starter, which is powered by a battery. It is she who transmits to him the necessary electricity to start the engine. The battery is the source of power supply for all elements of the car, so the battery is the most important component, without which it is impossible to operate the car.

Accumulator charging

A car battery is not a device that generates electricity. It only accumulates charge in the electrolyte and transfers it to the consumer when an external load is connected.

The battery is charged by the generator while the engine is running. But due to physical laws, the battery is designed for a certain number of charge/discharge cycles, which determine the life of the product. But there is one nuance: in some cases, the generator simply does not have time to restore the nominal charge of the battery, and if the car is operated in this mode for a long time, the likelihood of the battery being completely discharged increases. To prevent this from happening, from time to time they carry out the charging procedure from an external source, a charger.

The general rule is known - the initial charge current should be 10% of the battery capacity. The voltage at the charger terminals must exceed the rated voltage of the battery by the same amount. The optimal charging mode is using low currents, although the time in this case increases in direct proportion. In exceptional cases, fast charging with currents of about 30 A is allowed (no more than 20–30 minutes), but it is worth considering that such an extreme procedure is detrimental to the plates.

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